Distinguished Pathologist Award
Ontario has a strong reputation of engaged and committed pathologists. The OAP Distinguished Pathologist Award is intended to recognize individuals who have made a positive and lasting contribution to our profession. The intent of this award is to recognize individuals throughout the history of the organization and not just from the recent past.
To download a nomination form, review past recipients and for more information view here.
OAP Service Award
To honour OAP members who have shown exemplary dedication and service to the Ontario Association of Pathologists. In giving this award the board will consider service as a board member or other activities done for or on behalf of the organization which exemplify dedication and service to the Ontario pathology community.
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Resident Poster Programme
Each year Residents are invited to submit an abstract and present a poster at the Annual General Meeting. These are judged by The Poster Program Adjudication committee after listening to participant oral presentations. Awards are then provided to the top two candidates.
To review the abstract submission information view here.