Ready to submit your abstract?
Submit Here!Abstract Submission Criteria
- The abstract should be unstructured, concise and precise and should convey the essential findings.
- The abstract may not exceed 250 words.
- It should state the rationale, objectives, findings, and conclusions of the manuscript.
- Authors are encouraged to include a statement that describes the potential translational impact of the study results.
- Encore presentations are encouraged. This is another opportunity to present your research. We do not publish the abstracts therefore you can present any of your published research or work in progress to get experience.
Content criteria
- Title:
- Please provide a succinct title. Ideally, the title should contain a reference to the study design. (Whole body vibration and osteoarthritis: a retrospective cohort study or Use of restraints during geriatric rehab: a systematic review).
- Authors:
- Author names in this order and separated by comma, First name Middle name/initial Last name, Indicate affiliation(s) with superscript numeral(s) following last name.
- Institution Affiliation:
- Corresponding numeral precedes author affiliation. Affiliation consists of Institution, Location (city, state/province abbreviation, country)
- Body:
- 2600 characters, content is structured by subheads (each section is treated as a paragraph with no indents), abstract subheadings are followed by a colon.
- Subheads include but are not limited to:
- Objective,
- Design/Methods,
- Participants,
- Results,
- Conclusion,
- ... etc.
Recording Your Abstract
Format your presentation using PowerPoint and add audio talk voiceover timed to each slide that will advance automatically. If possible have PPT include your image in the chat in the corner.
If you do not have access to PowerPoint, use these free alternatives: Office Libre Impress, Loom or the audio program Audacity. Try to limit the number of slides in the PowerPoint presentation to 10. The total maximum time of your talk is not to exceed 5 minutes. Aim for 3 minutes 30 seconds. Include in your intro slide a brief Sales Pitch
for your talk. Explain what you did and what you learned.
Submitting Your Video
Use Dropbox, large file transfer, email, Google Docs, upload to YouTube, etc… You will be able to upload the URL in the abstract submission process after clicking the button below. We do hope you will take this opportunity to present your research. We are looking forward to celebrating all the great work you have done.