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2020 Abstract Submission

How to Submit an Abstract (Written & Recorded)

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  • September 4, 2020. (The presenter will be notified by email of the status of the abstract submission.)
  • Only posters submitted by PAs, residents/trainees will be eligible for prizes.

Written: Abstract Structure

An abstract must clearly include the following:

  • The title should be written in sentence structure (capitalize first word and remaining words begin in lower case).
  • Author names should begin on the line immediately after the Title in the following style: First Name, space, Middle Initial(s) followed by period, space, Surname, comma, space, followed by next author in same format. Underline the name of the presenting author. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author’s name and in front of the appropriate address. For example: Anna L. Smith 1, Robert G. Davis 2
    1 Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
    2 Laboratory Medicine, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, AB, Canada
  • The study objective.
  • Sufficient information demonstrating relevance in pathology.
  • Sufficient description of methodology or case.
  • Sufficient objective evidence/observations in the results section to support conclusions. Results are to be expressed in IFCC SI units.
  • Statement of conclusions.

Abstract Submission Process

  1. Writing must be concise, clear, and grammatically correct.
  2. Technical information pertaining to observations and conclusions cannot be withheld for proprietary reasons. It is not acceptable to state that “results will be discussed”.
  3. Font: Times New Roman or Arial. Use a font size of 10.
  4. Do not use hard returns to break lines; use the word wrap feature.
  5. The abstract paragraph cannot exceed 250 words and is to be written in single-space.  A maximum of 2 tables and/or figures are acceptable if they are embedded into the Word file. Deduct 50 words from the maximum word count for each included table or figure. Figures should be no larger than 3.5 inches wide by 4.0 inches high, legible at these dimensions, and cropped to eliminate extra white space. Tables must fit and be legible within a 3.5 inch column.
  6. Leave one line space between the affiliation address(es) and the beginning of the abstract paragraph.
  7. All abbreviations should be defined when first used.
  8. If used, references should be given in parentheses without authors or title by provided Index-Medicus-listed Journal abbreviations without punctuation followed by year, volume number and inclusive page numbers. (Example: CJP 2012;35:151-169).
  9. Indicate with a disclosure statement at the end of the abstract whether it has been presented previously, at which venue and the date.

NB: OAP is happy to accept posters which have been recently presented.

Recorded: Abstract Structure

Ways to Present Pre-recorded Abstracts

Posters should be pre-recorded (not to exceed 3 mins) to be viewed anytime by participants.

Format your presentation using PowerPoint and add audio talk voiceover timed to each slide that will advance automatically. If possible have PPT include your image in the chat in the corner.

If you do not have access to PowerPoint, use these free alternatives: Office Libre Impress, Loom or the audio program Audacity.

Try to limit the number of slides in the PowerPoint presentation to 10. The total maximum time of your talk is not to exceed 3 minutes.  Aim for 2 minutes 30 seconds.

Include in your intro slide a brief “Sales Pitch” for your talk. Explain what you did and what you learned.

Submitting Your Video

Use Dropbox, large file transfer, email, Google Docs, upload to YouTube, etc… You will be able to upload the URL in the abstract submission process after clicking the button below.

We do hope you will take this opportunity to present your research. We are looking forward to celebrating all the great work you have done.