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Surg Onc Talks: Bladder Cancer Surgery Trends and Best Practices

Cystectomy Lymphadenectomy

Date :
Venue :
Suggested Participants:
Urologists, Pathologists, Medical Oncologists, Nursing/Managers, Pathology Assistants, Trainees
Agenda Topics Include:
  • Provincial and regional practice trends in bladder cancer surgery and pathology assessment
  • Regional Presentation:
    • Best surgical and pathological practices in bladder cancer (RCP 1: Windsor Regional Hospital)
  • Panel Presentation and Discussion:
    • Why is removal of 14+ lymph nodes for bladder cancer important for patients?
      • Surgical decision implications
      • Influence on Medical Oncologist treatment recommendations
    • How to maximize pathological lymph node harvest, histology, and lymph node definition
    • Discussion/Q&A
Surg Onc Talks is a self-approved group learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Please join us for this exciting event!

Registration Expired on Oct 16, 2023


Bladder Cancer Surgery Trends and Best Practices:
Cystectomy Lymphadenectomy

MONDAY, OCTOBER 16TH, 2023, FROM 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Suggested Participants: Urologists, Pathologists, Medical Oncologists, Nursing/Managers, Pathology Assistants, Trainees
Agenda Topics Include:
  • Provincial and regional practice trends in bladder cancer surgery and pathology assessment
  • Regional Presentation: Best surgical and pathological practices in bladder cancer (RCP 1: Windsor Regional Hospital)
  • Panel Presentation and Discussion:
    • Why is removal of 14+ lymph nodes for bladder cancer important for patients?
      • Surgical decision implications
      • Influence on Medical Oncologist treatment recommendations
    • How to maximize pathological lymph node harvest, histology, and lymph node definition
    • Discussion/Q&A
Dr. Peter Stotland (Quality Lead, Surgical Oncology Program, Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario))
Dr. Girish Kulkarni (Urologist, University Health Network and Ontario GU Cancers Lead, Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario))
Panel Members/Presenters:
Dr. Karim Marzouk (Urologist, Windsor Regional Hospital)
Dr. Munir Jamal (Urologist, Trillium Health Partners)
Dr. Eric Winquist (Medical Oncologist, London Health Sciences Centre)
Dr. Andrew Evans (Pathologist, Mackenzie Health)
Questions? Contact Isabella Schirripa at Isabella.Schirripa@ontariohealth.ca
CME? Surg Onc Talks is a self-approved group learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada